Rancho Adobe Firefighter's Association

The Rancho Adobe Firefighter's Association is a nonprofit corporation whose officers are elected by the membership. It is organized under California Nonprofit Public Corporation Law and is not utilized for the private gain of any person. The specific purposes of this corporation are to engage in emergency and similar disaster assistance; to support, provide and furnish firefighting equipment necessary and appropriate for such activities, and to carry out other charitable and educational activities.
Fundraisers are conducted throughout the year. Each year, we hold our annual crab feed on the last weekend in January, a pancake breakfast on the 4th of July weekend, and the Fire and Suds Beer and Music Festival in September or October. The Association also participates in an annual Fill the Boot drive for Muscular Dystrophy. Funds raised from this event go to the Muscular Dystrophy Association to help children who suffer from muscular dystrophy/ ALS and other debilitating muscle diseases.
The Association donates funds to the Alisa Ann Ruch Burn Foundation and allocates funds to purchase materials to hand out in October Fire Prevention Week. Rancho Adobe fire personnel visit local schools within the fire district boundaries and educate children about fire safety.
Thank you for your support for the Rancho Adobe Firefighter's Association.
2023 Association Officers:
President: Jake McClendon
Vice President: Daniel Ikalani
Secretary: James Norton
Treasurer: Bruce Linscott
Community Relations Officer: Morgan DeJong
Member-at-Large: Matt Achen
Member-at-Large: Enrique Ruiz